don't panic
If you are locked out of your car, there is an urban myth that goes like this.. If your neighbour, spouse, girlfriend etc has a key for your car, then first of all you can ring them. The next thing is to explain to them what has happened and get them to get the remote part of the key. Then they will need to put it up to the phone and push the button. This should carry the sound waves through the phones, and then unlock your car door.
If you locked out of somewhere other than your car, or do not have a spare key for your car, then the only other alternative, other than breaking in; is to ring a locksmith. You will find a number of locksmiths suited to your local area on Google. You just need to type something like locksmiths in Manchester. Of course you will need to change Manchester to your area. You should then find the locksmith that offers the best service, or the cheapest price, and find the number of the company and ring it. Check they are Members of the Master Locksmiths Association. Prices vary from £60 to £120, based on the time, and whether it is a weekend or not. If you require extra services, such as a lock replacement or PVC locking strip, it will cost substantially more.
Locksmiths in Manchester generally will come out within the hour, and aim to open the lock without the use of drills. Drills should be used only as a last resort, as drilling will damage lock, causing you to have to spend even more money replacing the lock. They generally prioritise their clients based age, whether you are alone, with children, and the time of day.
Getting locked out is not an enjoyable experience; the only real option is to call a locksmith. This does cost a lot, so to prevent it happening in the future ensure you have given spare keys to family members or friends, or have a spare key hidden somewhere.